Midterm Exam 3#


Date: Friday, December 1st, 2023

Time: during our regular lecture time.

Location: at our regular lecture room.

  • Student ID: Bring either your UB Student ID or government issued ID.

  • Calculator Policy: Calculators are NOT allowed. The exam questions are written so that a calculator is not needed.

  • References/resources policy: No outside references/resources allowed during the exam. The only references/resources allowed during the exam are those provided as part of the exam packet.

    • No reference page will be provided.

What to Study#

  • Topics: learning outcomes DI1-DI3, TI1-TI4, VF1-VF6

  • Number of Questions: 13 problems.

    • These will be similar in format to the Checkpoint Exam questions.

    • There will be one question per learning outcome (just like the Checkpoint Exams).

    • Some of the questions may only have you set up an iterated integral, but not finish evaluating it.

  • Simplifying: Unless otherwise stated on the exam, you do not need to simplify your answers.

How To Study#

The more problems you do, the better prepared you will be!

  • Checkpoint Exams - If one of your questions was marked incorrect, make sure you understand why. Go through your notes or the review video, find a similar example, and compare what we did there vs what you had on your exam.

  • Old Homework Problems on WeBWork

  • In-Class Problems - try the in-class problems we did in lecture and recitation.

  • Lecture Examples - try the examples we did in lecture: work on them by yourself and then use your notes or the review video to check your solution (not just your answer) or for help if you get stuck.

Follow-up Opportunity#

For any learning outcome still marked as Progressing on any Checkpoint Exam:

  • If you score a 90% or better on a Midterm Exam 3 question which tests the same learning outcome, you will earn (M) Meets Expectations for that learning outcome.